Friday, July 1, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mud Day (part one)


We have been having Mud Day several times a year for many years at Inch By Inch Preschool.  When I saw that there was a specific INTERNATIONAL movement for this cause, I knew we had to be involved.    We started out the day brainstorming "mud words" and then read a book called "MUD."  We got changed and headed outside.  We gathered up lots of supplies and ingredients.  Some of the ingredients we used were dirt, water, grass, pebbles and sticks. We also had four special ingredients of flour, salt, corn starch and shaving cream.  

When the kids first started mixing they were very hesitant to do whatever they wanted. "Can I bring this over here?" and "Can I mix this with this?"  Once they got a few yeses, they were ready to go.    The six of them spent an hour and half non-stop in the Mud Kitchen.  There was very little talking and the talking they did do was very cooperative.   Days like this I remember exactly why I am a preschool teacher.  Please check out the video at the bottom of this post, I believe it is for laundry detergent, but what a great message! 

Here comes the water!

Please take a picture!


Special Ingredients



Making Water Trails

Mud Day (part two)

and the fun continues....(They were so involved, I had lots of time to be camera happy)
Will you take a picture of this one too.

The After Math

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday June 27

My blogger app on my phone is finally working normal again! 

We are wrapping up our unit on puppets this week. July is usually themed lazy crazy days of summer. With activities such as making lemonade, teddy near picnic and tie dying. 

This wednesday is International Mud Day. Please send PLAY clothes as always.

I would also like to point out that I moved the marker board to a more noticeable location (above the sink) You will be able to find a quick note about what we did that day and what we had for lunch. Please don't be afraid to ask or remind if it is still bare when you pick up...some days are like that :)

Lastly, if you know of someone with a two to five year old, please send them our way! We have openings for both summer and fall.